Radiant Living
A 90 minute deeply transformational workshop to unlock your most vibrant and confident self so you can easefully navigate twists and turns while building a successful life you love.
December 8, 2024 - 10a PT | 1p ET
Radiant isn't just a filter or a buzzword in a toothpaste commercial. It's a lifestyle.
Are you ready to start living in a way that lets you feel true freedom to your core, embody your infinite potential, and fall in love with life? To build a life that allows you to be who you want, have what you desire, and do everything on your "Some Day" list?
Then I'm going to share my 4 step process that I have used over and over to create a life I'm passionate about, a life that truly lights me up. Using this rinse-and-repeat formula,
I successfully grew a fulfilling business while working a 9-5 I loved,
I left a relationship to live more authentically and ambitiously, where I learned radical self compassion,
I have healed money wounds and created more abundance than I thought possible,
I have manifested aligned and expanding opportunities and knew how to let my intuition easily guide me,
and I have learned to hold for both my whole human experience (because bypassing doesn't help us heal or expand or feel successful) and the infinite and limitless being I am at my core.

I am showing you how to make life rich and potent and magical - in your everyday life, in the ups and the downs, in the confusion and the clarity.
You will learn how to take my simple formula and apply it to your own life,
starting IN this workshop so you walk away with your exact roadmap and a clear plan of action.
Once you've applied this timeless formula to one goal, you'll see you can apply it again and again, in countless ways and to all areas of life.

I'm not inviting you to imagine a fairytale you don't believe or a vague outline of accomplishments. I'm inviting you to drop in, right here and now, and tune into what exactly it'd feel like to you knew you were playing at 100%. If you weren't holding back, if you weren't playing it safe.
What would it look like, what would it feel like to be fiercely in action, while simultaneously expanding your capacity to hold for more? To not just be doing, but to also be living?
Living passionately, living purposefully, all while taking massive strides towards your goals?
And here's the secret sauce: life is so much more easeful, fulfilling, and delicious when you play at 100% than even 99.99%
If you know you want to step into your next level, if you know you're ready to stop holding back and be all in on living a life you love, Radiant Living is exactly what you're looking for.
The Radiant Living Formula:
Clarity & Alignment

Digging Deeper

Radical Acceptance

Aligned Strategy

I know why you think feeling fulfilled, purposeful, joyful, and truly alive are fleeting sensations that only come in the highs of life...
...and I know how to help you break free from the doubts and imposter syndrome so that
fulfillment, purpose, joy, vitality
are stable pillars in your life regardless of circumstances.

Most people are waiting for life to calm down before they can finally enjoy the moment. You're waiting for the chaos to settle, work to slow down, the kids' summer camps to be done, the family vacations to be over, for the storms to pass - and then you'll be good, then you can rest, you can start on the project you've talked about for months, you can finish the to-do list you've had since February...
You feel the gratitude for your life, the moments of joy, you know you wouldn't trade your life for anything.... but those feelings are quickly replaced by doubting your path and your future, not feeling capable enough, feeling like that next-level life you're craving is out of reach or that no matter how much you want it you just can't make it happen.
Imagine if your norm was feeling peace, spaciousness, confidence - no matter what was going on in life.
What if instead of being swept up in the craziness, you were a pillar in the storm?
What would you have more capacity for if you weren't spending so much time and energy focused on how can you control the chaos?
What could you do with the abundance of clarity and creativity? What would you do differently if you knew you can handle anything?
This is the foundation to living radiantly. To living a life that lights you up. To loving your life.
But let's get clear on what this workshop IS and what it ISN'T:

The Radiant Living Workshop...
getting crystal clear on what life looks like at your next level
uncovering how you self sabotage and how to overcome it
learning the power of radical self acceptance and how compassion is productive
connecting with like-minded community
establishing next best steps so you leave with an easy-to-follow roadmap leading you straigh to your next level
Is for you if
you feel like you're not where you want to be in life
you want more out of life - more depth, more love, more abundance, more joy, more...
you're tired of surface level relationships
you feel burnt out, even when following your passions
you catch yourself in comparisonitis on a weekly basis
you see the vision, love the vision, but lack the consistent motivation
Radiant Living...
about taking the easy way out and bypassing real life
a stan for living your life based on others' opinions
hierarchal - there's no better than or worse than, rather there are choices and there are outcomes
a cookie-cutter approach that only looks at the symptoms
a workshop that TALKS about the process instead of TEACHING you how to use it

Why the Radiant Living formula creates LASTING transformation
Transformation that starts at the ROOT, not the surface or the symptoms
Step 1:
Clarity & Alignment
Through the power of visualization, meditation, and the breath, deeply tap into your unique vision and explore how it's aligned with you and your values
Step 2:
Digging Deeper
Identify core patterns, self sabotage, and limiting beliefs through expanding your self awareness. Learn how to transform these at the root, creating easy shifts.
Step 3:
Radical Acceptance
The part most people are missing - radical acceptance and compassion for ALL parts of the self. This creates quicker shifts while embodying your wholeness.
Step 4:
Aligned Strategy
The combined energies of clarity, lightness, and wholeness create an openness where you are most creative, resourceful, and aligned. This is where you find your unique strategy.